How to get good customer reviews for your business?

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The present day online review platforms can be equated to the yellow pages of the yesteryear. To get more customers it is necessary to get good reviews.  If that is the case, there is not doubt that every business or industry should give much importance to get customer reviews. In this article I am going to state some important strategies which can help one to get good online reviews. These days nobody uses yellow pages to understand the restaurant close to their house or for any service needed or to find out the stores to buy something.  Instead, they use the smart phone in their pocket and search the internet.  This is the reason why reviews have become all the more important these days. According to ‘bright local’ a reporting platform, 85 % of customers value online reviews just like personal recommendations.

How to get positive reviews

Do your job correctly: The best thing one must do to get good customer reviews is to offer good services to the customers.  All your office staff and you have to be well aware of how to behave and treat the customers so that they feel happy and contented to give positive and encouraging feed backs. The problem is that people are not generally having the habit of giving good feedbacks even if they are satisfied with your service. In such cases it will be required to give a slight   push in the correct direction so that they leave good feedback for what they have experienced. On the other hand people often communicate verbally when they are upset by your behavior.

Ask for reviews: You may be having some customers who are giving you vocal compliments and not willing to or not used to giving written feed backs. There is nothing wrong if you can ask them politely whether they can give positive feedbacks. Most of them might say “of course” and are likely to forget it soon or by the time they reach their car. It is always a good thing to ask them to leave feedbacks. Some of them need reminders to get customer reviews.

Make use of review management tool

There are a lot of review management tools available in the internet these days. In addition to requesting for reviews they also help to track all the reviews in multiple platforms in a convenient place.

Which platform to use?

Google is the most popular online review tool. People usually start their search using Google through all the reviews they find. For showing your company or service up in the search create your profile in Google my business if you have not already created one. Optimize your listing so that it is shown up well.  Getting reviews on your listing will help you to increase the visibility of your business and help in converting the leads into customers. Face book, Yelp, Bing etc are other platforms available for this purpose. There are also some industry specific platforms which are usually intended for professionals like doctors and the like.

How many customer reviews are needed?

There is no fixed numbers regarding how many feedbacks are required for improving your acceptability among the prospective customers. One may look at his competitor and find out how many reviews he is having. This will give you a rough estimation in this regard. The important matter is to get a steady stream of reviews. You may aim at one or two reviews in a month in the beginning and slowly progress to one or two reviews in a week if the going is good. As a word of caution it can be said that getting reviews by giving incentives is not a good practise. It is better not to get too many reviews all of a sudden. Review management service is often used to automate review invitation so that a certain numbers are sent out each day. It makes the reviews look natural.

Do research regarding the platforms relevant to your business. If you are on wrong platform, immediately change the platform. If you are already in the correct platform  use the best review management software  and follow  the tips given above  to ensure that a steady stream of feedbacks are coming. It will help you to get good and natural looking feed backs.

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