What To Know About Ready-Mix Concrete? Pros And Cons

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Concrete is one of the most popular building materials in the world for all the right reasons. It is cost-friendly and reliable, helping structures stand against the test of time. However, considering the types, it can be frustrating to pick the right option and concrete supplier. Ready-mix concrete is used for both commercial and residential building requirements. We will share some advantages and disadvantages along with other relevant information regarding ready-mix concrete for you to make an informed decision.

What Is Ready-Mix Concrete?

Ready-mix concrete is a type of concrete that is made in a plant rather than on-site. You might have seen concrete trucks delivering ready-mix concrete to construction sites regularly. This is due to several reasons with time saving being the biggest reason.

Another, major advantage of using ready-mix concrete is that you do not need to spare space on the construction side to prepare concrete mix. It will simply be produced at the plant and delivered to your footstep. Ready-mix concrete is made using a mix of gravel, sand, and water in perfect proportions.

However, these proportions may vary based on the client’s requirements. Plus, ready-mix concrete is ideally delivered in a residential concrete delivery truck in the form of shrink-mix concrete and transit-mix concrete. When it comes to transit-mix concrete, the mixing process of the concrete takes place inside the truck.

The truck contains a large cylinder-shaped storage in which the concrete is partially mixed while the rest is done once the truck reaches its destination. This way, the concrete is prevented from being hardened during transit. On the other hand, shrink-mix concrete is partially mixed in the plant before it gets transported to the construction site.

However, shrink-mix is mixed thoroughly once it reaches the destination. This allows the contractors to transport more concrete at once.

What Are The Advantages Of Using Ready-Mix Concrete?

Ready-mix concrete has a variety of advantages. To begin with, ready-mix concrete is prepared in a controlled environment, which allows the professionals to keep a close eye on the production and quality. Excellent high-quality concrete is made using high-tech equipment and can be expensive.

As mentioned earlier, ready-mix concrete does not require a separate space on the construction side for production. It is prepared at the plant with a variety of other types as well. This not only saves up space but also prevents wastage of materials, pollution, and contamination of the surroundings.

Perhaps the biggest advantage of using ready-mix concrete is that it allows speedy construction. All you need to do is unload concrete straight from the truck onto the construction area and it is ready to be spread. Furthermore, you do not need to employ a separate team of laborers or set of equipment to produce ready-mix concrete at your construction site, saving you time, money, and effort.

What Are The Disadvantages Of Using Ready-Mix Concrete?

The biggest disadvantage of using ready-mix concrete is that it needs to be transported via trucks. Considering the fact that trucks drive at a relatively slower speed and need to navigate through narrow streets and roads, it might take a lot of time for the concrete to reach the destination.

This might also cause the concrete to harden before it reaches the venue. But, professionals tend to add efficient retarders to the mix to delay the process. Moreover, producing ready-mix concrete requires having a dedicated facility specifically for the production of concrete.

Since ready-mix concrete is purchased in bulk, the facility needs to have ample space for production and storage, etc. until it is delivered to the site.

What Factors Do We Need To Consider When Getting Ready-Mix Concrete?

While we have discussed the advantages and disadvantages of ready-mix concrete, it is equally important that we go through the factors you need to consider while purchasing it.

When it comes to ordering a batch of ready-mix concrete, you will need to be clear about the purpose. For instance, you might need to repair a few cracks or build a structure from zero. These two are entirely different things and will require varying concrete proportions.

This means that some applications might require a fast-setting concrete mixture while other projects like building dams, bridges, and foundations, you may require a slow-setting mixture. It all depends on the purpose and need of your project. The professionals will make the necessary changes to the mix for the perfect applications.

Moving on, ready-mix concrete requires various ingredients. As mentioned earlier, it needs sand, gravel, water, and other additives to produce. The quality of these ingredients determines the quality of the ready-mix concrete. You must ensure that the supplier is using top-quality materials mixed in the right ratio to get top-quality ready-mix concrete.

Once the mixture has been prepared, it will need to be used within a specific period. If the mix is not used, you will be at risk of losing the entire batch. This is why trucks that deliver ready-mix concrete are not recommended to travel during busy hours of the day.

In addition to the mix hardening, the trucks can also create a traffic issue. This means it would be easier for the trucks to perform delivery during non-peak hours of the day.

How Do I Find The Right Supplier?

Finding the right supplier for concrete mix delivery Montgomery County can be a tricky task. There are a huge number of options available out there with every supplier using different techniques and equipment to produce and deliver concrete. The best way to pick the best option is by personally visiting the manufacturing plant and interviewing the relevant personnel.

It might be that you are looking at concrete and its application the wrong way. If you wish to repair a few cracks or leaks, you might not need to use concrete. This is only going to waste your money and time. Also, you must be familiar with the quality of the materials as well.

By visiting several different plants and observing their manufacturing techniques, you will be able to determine who does it the best. But if you have no idea of what to check and how you should take an expert with you. They will be able to take a closer look at the manufacturing process and help you pick the most refined option.

How Much Ready-Mix Concrete Cost?

The cost of the ready-mix concrete varies based on the supplier. Then again, the quality of the materials, technique, and equipment used will determine the overall price. High-quality ready-mix concrete is expensive but won’t go anywhere for centuries.

Plus, the price also depends on the amount you order. If the order is large, the supplier might be able to give you a discount.


Make sure that you make an informed decision and survey different ready mix concrete suppliers Silver Spring to pick the best option. This will go a long way in terms of how strong the structure, home, or building will be. The stakes are high so doing proper research before making picking one type of concrete and supplier is paramount.

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