Pros And Cons Of Stucco Siding

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Whether you’re building your house from the ground up, or installing or replacing the siding, there are a lot of materials you can choose from. The material should be durable, easy to maintain, and shouldn’t cost you an arm and a leg. Therefore, many siding contractors suggest stucco siding. Here is everything you need to know about stucco as your house siding material.

Pros Of Stucco Siding

Here are the things that make stucco a perfect material for house sidings.


Stucco, as far as the material is concerned, is very reasonable in price and it’s one of the most affordable options, in comparison to bricks and wood. It’s a great option to go for if you don’t want to spend a whole lot of money on a siding.

Easy To Install

Stucco is one of those materials that is very easy to install as a siding. Usually, with house sidings, a foundation is a must, and this is why they are built when the house is being constructed.

With stucco, however, you can install it anytime during renovation or even remodeling and it doesn’t require a solid foundation to stay on. It is one of the easiest sidings to install if you’re not constructing a house from scratch.


Stucco is a very durable material. It is made from a mixture of Portland cement, limestone, and sand and it’s compacted into a strong and long-lasting material. It is a very durable material, as compared to bricks and wood, because it is deposited in layers and the more layers you add, the stronger it is going to be.

It is a great material for the price you’re paying as well, so if you’re on the hunt for a siding material that’s reasonably durable and inexpensive, then stucco is a great option to go for.


There is nothing better than choosing a siding material that won’t require a lot of maintenance. Maintenance is important, however, you don’t want to spend all of your time on it. You should find a material that is sturdy and low on the maintenance side of things.

Luckily, stucco is one of those materials. It lasts long, for about 10 to 15 years and there’s not a lot that goes into maintaining it. It just needs to be inspected for cracks and damage by the weather, every once in a while, and you’re good to go.

Reduces Audible Impacts

One of the very interesting things about stucco is that it reduces impacts and vibration damage from sounds. Essentially, stucco is like a soundproof material. It reduces the noises coming from the outside, so it’s perfect for your house siding if you’re living in a place where there’s a lot of traffic. This quality of stucco is due to the layering method in which it is applied to the walls.

Along with soundproofing, stucco also provides good insulation in the house and it keeps the inside of the house cool in summer.


Stucco is a very forgiving material when it comes to how you want to style it and color it, for your house siding. It is very easy to mix colors in stucco and you can get just about any color you want for your house.

It is a great material to work with and you can even play around with the finishes and textures of stucco to get a siding which suits you and your house. So, creative people will love this siding material.

Many people who install decking also go for exterior siding for a better overall appearance of the house. If you’re considering both, take help from deck builders Port Jefferson.

Cons Of Stucco Siding

Stucco might seem like the perfect material, but everything has its merits and demerits. Here are the disadvantages of stucco siding:

It Is Very Thin

The layering technique involved in stucco application is great and all, but that doesn’t mean that it doesn’t have any downsides. There is one major drawback of the layering application of stucco and that’s the fact that it is extremely thin, especially if you go for just one layer. It can crack easily and small animals can easily break into the wall and reside there. This can also cause a lot of water damage if this problem goes unnoticed.

This is why it’s recommended that you go for 2 to 3 layers when getting stucco siding because that’s going to be more durable and it won’t crack as easily.

Water & Moisture Can Damage It

Another bad thing about stucco, that makes it a no-go for a lot of people is the fact that it’s not waterproof. There are a lot of materials out there that are waterproof and can protect your house from fungus, mold, and mildew formation, which is why stucco isn’t preferred.

It is also not a good choice of siding material if you live in a place where there’s a lot of rainfall. Stucco will absorb all of the water and moisture and it can lead to immense damage in the long run.

Professional Installation Is A Must

Stucco might be a reasonably priced material, but all of the expense lies in the installation. Stucco is not something you can install by yourself and you will definitely need a professional siding installer who knows how to properly and effectively install stucco siding.

Hiring a contractor for this is going to cost you a lot. Every contractor will be different, so the installation prices will also vary accordingly. If you’re going for more layers, then that’s also going to add up. So, the overall expense of getting a stucco siding installed will be the same as any other expensive material, so it can’t be justified by people, most of the time.

Chipping Is Common

Another major downside of stucco is that it can crack very easily. This depends on how many layers of stucco you have got on your siding. If there’s only one layer, then it’s bound to chip and crack within a few months, especially if the weather is rough, where you live.

But even with 3 or more layers, the possibility of chipping is still there, because the material is quite thin to begin with. Cracks and chips are a bad thing because they expose the inside of the stucco and that can lead to even more damage in the future.

Repairs Can Be A Pain

Repairing a stucco siding is a lot of work. Since it is layered on the siding walls, there’s not an easy way to repair it, in case of cracks or chips forming on the surface. The repairs are also quite expensive because there’s no other way to undo the damage, other than to have the stucco layered again, which can add up.

It is also quite time-consuming and a lot of the time, people will skip the repairs and go for a different material, because it’s easier, inexpensive and it gets done quickly.


This guide is going to help you decide whether or not you should opt for stucco for exterior siding. You can weigh out your options, discuss it with siding companies Port Jefferson Station, and go for the most suited material for your house.

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