How Can I Make My Commercial Deep Fryer Oil Last Longer

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If you own a commercial restaurant, you would know how important it is to keep the fryer oil last as long as you can while keeping the quality intact. Commercial restaurants use a lot of oil in deep fryers and sometimes, a lot of that goes to waste. We are going to discuss a few tips that will help you make your commercial fryer oil last longer. These work if you keep the deep fryer maintained with the help of commercial appliance repair services.

Filter The Oil At Least Twice A Day

Filtering the oil is the most important factor when it comes to prolonging the life of commercial fryer oil. It ensures that the quality of your food products is consistent and helps keep the operational costs down as well. Make sure that you filter the oil at least twice a day.

To filter the oil, you should begin with the oldest oil first and add powder to polish the oil while using a frying filter paper. Then, clean the fryer vat while filtering to ensure any food particles are removed. Remember, to filter for around 5 minutes per fryer vat.

Once the oil has been filtered, test it using a kit. Next, rotate the fryer vats as needed and track the filtration. If the oil does not pass the test, dispose of the oil and replace it with a new one.

Don’t Overfill The Deep Fryer

One of the most common commercial kitchen mistakes is that food businesses and restaurants tend to make is overfilling the fryers with oil when it comes to replacement. You may think that overfilling the fryers will help increase the oil replacement interval but it has the opposite effect instead. Over

You should consult the user’s manual to match the recommended amount. Plus, it should also be marked on the fryer. The reason overfilling the fryers is not recommended is that with excess oil, it will take the fryer more time to reach the required temperature. Additionally, it also increases the risk of a spill or an overflow.

Know Your Oil’s Smoke Point

There are several different kinds of oils available out there that come with varying smoke points. It is the temperature at which the oil breaks down. That said, the fryer oil goes beyond this point, the quicker it turns bad. In simple words, this is the maximum threshold of an oil.

Therefore, it is important that you are aware of your oil’s smoke point so that you do not end up burning the items. At the same time, it is equally important that you choose the right type of cooking oil to ensure that your food quality is both consistent and delicious.

Use Vat Covers Between Frying Cycles

Covering the vat covers between frying cycles helps preserve the oil. Certain components encourage the breakdown of oil, which decreases its lifespan. That said, you should make sure to cover the vat between frying cycles to protect the oil from being influenced by the concerning factors.

In addition to that, using the vat covers will also ensure that the oil does not get mixed with external particles or components, affecting the quality and taste of the food products.

Check Deep Fryer Calibration

Commercial fryers work round the clock to prepare fresh food products. And it is common for them to experience some malfunctions now and then. One of the most common issues is fryers needing calibration. You do not have to spend thousands of dollars to calibrate your commercial fryer.

All you need to do is consult an expert who will calibrate the fryer. Calibrating the fryer is important as it keeps the unit running in perfect condition and prevents the burning of the oil as well. A deep fryer that is uncalibrated will simply burn the oil which will decrease the overall quality of the food products as well.

However, if your commercial fryer is frequently developing problems, it means it has reached its maximum lifespan and will need to be replaced.

Final Word

Concluding, making your commercial fryer oil last longer is no rocket science. It simply involves following some simple steps as mentioned above to keep everything balanced. Remember, to always use high-quality oil to sustain the quality of your products and consider deep fryer repair Fairfax to prevent the fryer from running into problems.

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