Home remedies for oily skin and restoring the shine

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If you have an oily skin, you lose the battle of removing the shine from T-Zone, forehead and chin so you must search for the home remedies for oily skin. It is often genes which are primarily responsible for that annoying oily skin. Changes in the hormonal level during the adolescent phase also cause oily skin. The main problem with the oily skin is that it triggers the outbreak of acne which looks very ugly. There are many women who notice the oily skin around the menstrual period time, at the pregnancy phase and menopausal period. Birth control pills also need to be blamed for oily skin. A little bit of care and caution can reduce the oiliness to bring back the glamour to the skin. There are several home remedies for oily skin that may be used as per the convenience.

Ways to take care of the oily skin and reduce the oiliness

  • Using aloe vera at home can help a lot. Apply the gel to the face so that excess oil is absorbed. Dab the aloe vera gel 2-3 times and let it dry. You can use alcohol and acetane combination to degrease the skin instantly.
  • Ban the use of moisturizers if you have an oily skin. You can apply water based sunscreen lotion before stepping out to protect the skin from harsh ultra violet rays.
  • Try and keep your hands off from the skin. Always tend to pull the hair back. Keep the hairs away from the face since that could aggravate the oiliness.
  • Make use of fruit based light scrub to remove excess oil. You can prepare the almond and honey scrub to get rid of oiliness. Massage the paste and rinse thoroughly. You need to rub the paste very gently if there is some acne outbreak.
  • Try and exfoliate the skin by adding ½ tsp of baking soda to the liquid soap. Rub the mixture to the oily areas of the skin. You can also apply the apple cider vinegar to exfoliate the oily skin.
  • Use cornstarch since it superbly dries the skin. Mix warm water in the corn starch, rub all over the face, let it dry and rinse off.
  • You can prepare the oil ridding facial solution at home to get rewarded for the efforts. Mix 4 tablespoon of mashed apples, 1 beaten egg, cooked oatmeal-1/2 cup and a few drops of lemon juice. Apply the mixture to the face, leave for 15 minutes and rinse with cool water.


Above are some of the best home remedies for oily skin. If adequate care is exercised, you may get ultra glowing, smooth, flawless and acne free skin.

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