Clear Your Assault Charges with the Help Assault Defense Lawyer

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An assault attorney, is a professional who represents people who were charged with assault . These experts represent clients who are facing charges of battery. The combination of battery and assault will usually have a penalty of jail time. The main job of assault defense attorneys is to keep their clients out of jail or reduce the amount of time they will spend if they were found guilty. The lawyer will often try to enter a plea bargain agreement with a prosecutor if the client needs to pay a fine when found guilty.

Assault Defined

Battery refers to physical contact with another person with intent of harming them. If a person commits battery, they will face assault charges. Also, they can be charged with assault even though there is no form of physical contact. It is not necessary for a deadly weapon to be used for it to be classified as assault. If they actually use a deadly weapon, this can be classified as felony.

What Assault Defense Attorneys Do

When assault defense attorneys defend their client, their job will be to show evidence that the client does not have any intention of causing harm. If a lawyer proves that physical contact is accidental and not intentional, they could be successful in defending their client.

As they handle assault cases, they would highly the facts in such a way that will prove the innocence of the client. It is the reason why many assault defense lawyers usually insist that an accused should contact them before they speak to the police or investigators.

The main goal of assault defense attorneys is to reduce the fact findings which would be used against the client during the trial. Early on in the process, the attorney may be able to convince the prosecutor for dismissing the charges filed against the client.

Common Types of Assault Cases

Self defense is wherein a person is charged with assault once they have tried to defend themselves from the attack. The job of assault defense lawyers is to show that their client was afraid of impending bodily harm. A good example is when a burglar breaks into a home at night and the homeowner hits the burglar using a baseball bat. During this situation, the attorney can use self defense for legal defense. The assault defense lawyers can negotiate with prosecutors to avoid going to trial.

The Bottom Line

Assault charges are definitely serious cases that you cannot solve on your own. Good thing that there are now many professionals whom you can count on to help you from such cases. An estate planning attorney will be able to give you the guidance and assistance that you need to save yourself from the serious implications of assault charges to your life. Just keep in mind that like any other branch of law, it is important to ensure that the lawyer you will choose to defend you during your assault defense case has the necessary bachelor’s degree and has also passed the bar exam in order to get the necessary license for practicing law. These professionals can either work for law firms or they can also open their very own practice.

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