Why cooking should be taught in schools?

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A recent study has shown that the young people are spending more money on takeaways and they know only four recipes at an average. This has made people think about the importance of giving exposure to culinary, in schools itself. In a study published in BBC’s food magazine it has been reported that the young generation are spending about 60 pounds per week for their food needs. And this amount rises to 70 pounds per week in the case of adults. The question is this. Could these expenditures be combated by teaching students culinary art at a younger age? Let us examine the importance of teaching cooking in schools.

Essential skill of life

Art of cooking is an essential skill which many teenagers or young boys are capable to carry out.  The ready made meals which students resort to are of less nutritional values and high calorie content, fats and sugars. Lack of knowledge and experience in cooking and kitchen matters have made them not interested in cooking. If food technology is made part of the curriculum, that will give relevant guidance and motivation for students to acquire knowledge and practice the different modalities of cooking. One can naturally hope that more and more youngsters will opt to cooking food for them, if they are given training in their formative days itself.

Healthy lifestyle will be promoted

Though branded food like Dominos, McDonald, KFC etc are very popular among the youngsters owing to their low prices, no one can deny the fact that they are unhealthy. It is surprising to say that only one slice of such pizza contains 310 calories and just eight such slices will have a whooping calorie value of 2,480 calories. Food technology enables students to have a basic understanding about the importance of calorie value of food we eat regularly and in turn it helps them to maintain better health. Once they understand the importance of vitamins, minerals, etc they will think of preparing food that is rich in minerals and vitamins.

Career opportunity

Catering and hospitality have turned to be a high potential career opportunity and many youngsters with talent and qualification in this field are getting opportunities to improve their life through promising careers in this industry. Some documentaries made in this regard have shown the career potential in this field and many youngsters are now finding this as the most suitable career for them. Giving training in culinary discipline in the initial schooling days will be helpful for finding a rewarding jobs in future when they grow up as adults.

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