7 Must-Follow Wedding Planning Tips For Brides

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Weddings sound exciting and fun but did you know behind those huge extravagant weddings is a very detailed plan that contains even the slightest detail like details about wedding party rentals. This plan is made 5-6 months prior the wedding. Now the question arises that what are a few important points and tips included in this plan. To know about it you must continue reading.

The Earlier You Plan the Better It Is

It’s everyone dream to have a fairy tale wedding or a dream wedding and no more really wants to compromise on anything at least on their big day. So to ensure you don’t have to make any compromises make sure you plan at least 5 months before the actual date. Trust me the thinking that there’s a lot of time left is a TRAP! Once you start planning you will realize there’s a lot on the plate to do. Plus if you plan earlier then in case something goes wrong, you always have time to implement plan B or book other options available.

Costing Plus A Little Over Estimation Is Always Better

Over running your budget is a big nightmare! Remember you must always make sure you set a budget that is less than your savings because you obviously cant empty your whole wallet and be broke in case of any emergency. One more thing, always make sure to set prices a little extra like 10% more than the current price. Why? Because hello buddy go back to the economics taught to you in college and recall the concept of inflation!

Don’t Choose a Venue That’s Too Far

I know we all love a location which is near the sea and is all dreamy but trust me if that is very far from the countryside then it’s really not a good option. Do you know why? Because if it’s too far then majority people won’t turn up and if it will be a weekday then mark my words at least 15% of the guests won’t come and the reason would be that they don’t want to miss work the other day.

Choose Your Bridesmaids

Bridesmaids are the best support and best people involved in the wedding. They take care of even the slightest things related to the bride, thus make sure you choose your girls wisely. Also, don’t forget to book your girlfriends before they sign up for any other commitments the same day.

Photography Is Important

The moments can be enjoyed only then and there but with photographs you can preserve these memories forever. Remember not everyone stays in our life forever we lose many people and also meet new people so with photographs you can always cherish the moments spent with those who are no longer a part of your life and show them to the new introductions in your life. Make sure you don’t compromise on the quality of the photographs because your big day just won’t return again so be sure to choose the best.

Be Sure To Choose an Appropriate Date

Choosing a date is a tougher job than it seems. Do you know why? Because you have to make sure that your wedding day doesn’t fall on a date when there’s any charity walk or trade conference or any other local event. If it does be prepared for a heavy traffic and delays.

Always Pay In Advance and Picture The Receipts

It’s always a good option to pay ahead of time for tent, venues, tables and chairs, and other stuff. Because once you have paid your deal is closed and there remains no room for any changes. Imagine a rise in prices, if you haven’t paid in advance this rise will mess up your budget and planning. Plus always be sure to take a picture of all your receipts, in case you lose them.

Always Keep A Plan B Arranged

Things can go wrong, plans can fail. It’s completely normal. So to make sure that even if anything goes wrong, you are well armed and well prepared, make sure you have already worked out a Plan B. this plan would be about choosing the second best options of everything from wedding party rentals company to wedding tent rentals Maryland.

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